2009-2013, "A Maïzing Session With..." was a radio show devoted to experimental and improvised music, played in real time. Hosted by Anton Mobin from the Maïzing Studio in Paris and broadcasted on the webradio KKWNE, with flexible schedule. In a first part, the show consisted in live acts by international sound artists and musicians on tour or day-off or passing by Paris + in a second part, a free improvisation with Anton Mobin in different set-up. Sometimes Words. Often not. Sometimes Audience. Often private. Some podcasts absolutely Live !

2009 - 2013

4 years
52 broadcasts
50 flyers
105 concerts
27 m2
65 artists from around the world
28 pages of discussion and support on the cc forum
59 podcasts online on Cannibal Caniche :
36 filed in "improv sessions"
23 filed in "concerts"
13 sessions edited online, cdr or tape
on 11 different netlabels or labels
2 cancelled radio shows
1 retrospective dvd forthcoming

Rediffusions sur RADIO PANIK !

Suite des rediffusions sur Radio Panik 105.4 FM en région Bruxelloise et en stream !!! Programmé le vendredi de 12h à 13h pendant le créneau "création radiophonique"
> http://www.radiopanik.org

Rediffusion le vendredi 14 décembre 2012, de 12h à 13h‬

Performed at the Maïzing Studio, Paris and broadcasted live on KKWNE,
on July 18th, 2012. Multitrack recordings mixed by Anton Mobin.
Special program for World Listening Day 2012

JULIE ROUSSE (fr) : Laptop, Field recordings & Dreams
PLANETALDOL (fr) : Field recordings & Nightmares
ANTON MOBIN (fr) : Cassettes, Field recordings & Hopes

Rediffusion le vendredi 28 décembre 2012, de 12h à 13h‬

Performed at the Maïzing Studio, Paris and broadcasted live on KKWNE,
on September 18th, 2012. Multitrack recordings mixed by Anton Mobin.

JULIE ROUSSE (fr) : Laptop
ANTON MOBIN (fr) : Prepared chamber

Rediffusion le vendredi 22 mars 2013, de 12h à 13h‬

Performed at the Maïzing Studio, Paris and broadcasted live on KKWNE,
on October 29th, 2012. Multitrack recordings mixed by Anton Mobin.
Inedit quartet and first meeting as a Double Duo, Crash Duo vs Bandwidth, to celebrate the 50th session !

MATHIEU GARROUSTE (Bandwidth) : Pick up, tapes, electronics
AYANKOKO (Bandwidth) : ppooll

AYATO (Crash Duo) : Guitare, cassettes
ANTON MOBIN (Crash Duo) : Cassettes




Monday, December 3rd, 2012
Start 18:00 (gmt+1)
on the webradio KKWNE !


ROJO is the association of two young musicians of the european experimental music scene, basque miguel a.garcia (aka «xedh»), active in projects ranging from no wave noise rock to radical performance & improvisation, and french autoditact laptop musician xavier lopez. ice cold digital frequencies meets raw, lo-fi feedback generated sounds in a search for immersive, mind challenging formal constructions somewhere in between noise, new improv and computer music

Miguel A.Garcia - raw electronics
Xavier Lopez - ppooll

Basque artist Miguel A. García (also known as XEDH ) focuses on sound and its formal organisation, just between improvisation and electro-acoustic composition. His concerts put on show a combination of electronic sounds, field recordings and “real” instruments, aiming to get an intimate, immersive and intense experience.

Miguel A. García studied Fine Arts and Audiovisual Technology. He is also involved in projects like Mubles, Baba Llaga or Válvula Antirretorno. Besides his considerable production of CDs (in labels like Zeromoon, Homophoni or White Line) and numerous live performances in Spain (Museo Vostell, Arteleku, MACUF, Museum Chillida-Leku, Guggenheim Bilbao, Tabacalera, etc.) he has performed in the United States, Norway, Poland, Portugal and France. Since 2006 he has managed and directed the Zarata-Fest Festival in Bilbao, and owns two netlabels (Larraskito and Doministiku).

French and free-lance, mainly active as a improvising laptop player Xavier studied at Amsterdam’s Hogeschool voor de Kunsten. He’s now based in Paris since 2006.he develops an autodidact approach to laptop playing.The material he uses is rather minimal: sine waves, white noise, feedback, oscillators, most of his sounds are synthetic. His work as a sound artist is inspired by a broad range of aesthetics as well than other issues (perception, surroundings, survival, theory). During the last couple of years, he performed in Europe, Mexico and in the United States. Recent collaborations include Dafne Vicente-Sandoval, Audrey Chen, , Jassem Hindi, Pierre-Yves Martel,  Juan Matos Capote, Alexander Bruck,  Olivier Di placido, Lawrence Williams (…). He co-organizes since April 2010 the trashvortex concert series in Paris, focusing on EAI, noise, improv and free-jazz


Host of the "A Maïzing Session With..."
A crack, a fold, a brightness, a jolt in the plan of the sound, a convexity of surface...


- "Noish & Xedh" (cassette, Pilgrim Talk, PL018, 2012)

- Exiled in Bilbao, Larraskito Audio Dissection Unit (co-production, 2011)

L'occasion d'une petite playlist spéciale Uzusounds, avec bien entendu une écoute sur le mini cd-r sorti il y a peu "Rojo" Xavier Lopez & Miguel A. Garcia !

Rojo, Uzusounds, 2012

- Manuel Knapp & Tim Blechmann "untitled 22" (cdr/net, Uzusounds, 2009)


Tuesday, November 27th, 2012
Start 15:30 (gmt+1)
on the webradio KKWNE !



Bryan Lewis Saunders is the powerful spoken-word artist who has unleashed his disturbing and unforgettable “stand-up tragedy” for audiences at art museums across Europe and punk houses in rural America. His stories, which can draw from harrowing personal experiences in prison and the assisted iving apartment building in which he currently resides, are known for being unflinching, vivid, brutally honest accounts of the often unexamined aspects of (in)humanity. Saunders has collaborated with dozens of international musicians for recordings on his Stand-Up Tragedy label and many other labels, including the acclaimed album Daku created with the legendary sound artist/percussionist Z’EV.
Also his last LP on Erratum is described as a masterwork.

“The bastard son of William S. Burroughs, Antonin Artaud and Crispin Gllover” - Lydia Lunch

Also a videographer and visual artist, Saunders gained attention in 2011 from Boing Boing, Vice, Wired, Disinfo and Huffington Post = for a series of self-portraits, each of which was made under the influence of a different drug. This was part of his ongoing project to create at least one new, unique self-portrait every single day for the rest of his life, which he has done without fail since 1995. 
As well, the design of the AMSW's flyer is a drawing from Bryan !


Host of the "A Maïzing Session With..."
A crack, a fold, a brightness, a jolt in the plan of the sound, a convexity of surface...

Drawing by Bryan Lewis Saunders

Rediffusions sur RADIO PANIK !


Aprés la délicieuse proposition de Bérangère Maximin, quant à rediffuser 7 lives sur Radio St Ferréol dans sa propre émission "Territoires du son", c'est au tour de Radio Panik de s'intéresser de près à "A Maïzing Session With..." !

Un énorme merci à Pierre de Jaeger, qui propose de rediffuser les dernières sessions, enregistrées en multi-pistes, dans l'émission dédiée à la Création Radiophonique, le vendredi de 12h à 13h, sur  
RADIO PANIK 105.4 FM en région bruxelloise et en stream!


AMSW#42, rediffusion le vendredi 9 novembre 2012, 12h à 13h

Performed at the Maïzing Studio, Paris and broadcasted live on KKWNE,
on June 18th, 2012. Multitrack recordings mixed by Anton Mobin.

HANNES LINGENS : Floor Drum, Objects
ANTON MOBIN : Zither, Objects

AMSW#43, rediffusion le vendredi 16 novembre 2012, 12h à 13h
Performed at the Maïzing Studio, Paris and broadcasted live on KKWNE,
on June 20th, 2012.  Multitrack recordings mixed by Anton Mobin.

TÜNEL : Cisco C. & Monobloc Sound Fidelity : Cello, Guitar, Electronics
ANTON MOBIN : Prepared Chamber, Axolotl

AMSW#44, rediffusion le vendredi 23 novembre 2012, 12h à 13h

Performed at the Maïzing Studio, Paris and broadcasted live on KKWNE,
on June 27th, 2012.  Multitrack recordings mixed by Anton Mobin.

ANTON MOBIN : Prepared Chamber, Electronics


MONDAY, OCTOBER 29th, 2012
Start 18:00 (gmt+1)
on the webradio KKWNE !


Mathieu Garrouste : Pick up, electronic, tapes
Ayankoko : ppooll
Duo composé de David Vilayleck aka Ayankoko et Mathieu Garrouste qui pratiquent le son de façon radicale. Basé sur l’extraction du son, leurs sources potentielles sont diverses, laptop, customs softwares, tables tournantes, guitare, bandes magnétiques, filtres...
Le bruit sur faible volume et presque minimal, principes de leur radicalisme sonore... 

(Ayato & Anton Mobin)

Ayato : Guitare préparée, tapes
Anton Mobin : Cassettes

L'origine et la nature de leurs radiations électromagnétiques ne sont toujours pas élucidées...
Certains spécialistes avancent la possibilité d'une puissante collision dans un univers abandonné à l'intuition, où chaque son est un accident délibéré. L'anomalie résonne par glissements dans les méandres du Cosmos... 

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