2009-2013, "A Maïzing Session With..." was a radio show devoted to experimental and improvised music, played in real time. Hosted by Anton Mobin from the Maïzing Studio in Paris and broadcasted on the webradio KKWNE, with flexible schedule. In a first part, the show consisted in live acts by international sound artists and musicians on tour or day-off or passing by Paris + in a second part, a free improvisation with Anton Mobin in different set-up. Sometimes Words. Often not. Sometimes Audience. Often private. Some podcasts absolutely Live !


Tuesday, November 27th, 2012
Start 15:30 (gmt+1)
on the webradio KKWNE !



Bryan Lewis Saunders is the powerful spoken-word artist who has unleashed his disturbing and unforgettable “stand-up tragedy” for audiences at art museums across Europe and punk houses in rural America. His stories, which can draw from harrowing personal experiences in prison and the assisted iving apartment building in which he currently resides, are known for being unflinching, vivid, brutally honest accounts of the often unexamined aspects of (in)humanity. Saunders has collaborated with dozens of international musicians for recordings on his Stand-Up Tragedy label and many other labels, including the acclaimed album Daku created with the legendary sound artist/percussionist Z’EV.
Also his last LP on Erratum is described as a masterwork.

“The bastard son of William S. Burroughs, Antonin Artaud and Crispin Gllover” - Lydia Lunch

Also a videographer and visual artist, Saunders gained attention in 2011 from Boing Boing, Vice, Wired, Disinfo and Huffington Post = for a series of self-portraits, each of which was made under the influence of a different drug. This was part of his ongoing project to create at least one new, unique self-portrait every single day for the rest of his life, which he has done without fail since 1995. 
As well, the design of the AMSW's flyer is a drawing from Bryan !


Host of the "A Maïzing Session With..."
A crack, a fold, a brightness, a jolt in the plan of the sound, a convexity of surface...

Drawing by Bryan Lewis Saunders

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