2009-2013, "A Maïzing Session With..." was a radio show devoted to experimental and improvised music, played in real time. Hosted by Anton Mobin from the Maïzing Studio in Paris and broadcasted on the webradio KKWNE, with flexible schedule. In a first part, the show consisted in live acts by international sound artists and musicians on tour or day-off or passing by Paris + in a second part, a free improvisation with Anton Mobin in different set-up. Sometimes Words. Often not. Sometimes Audience. Often private. Some podcasts absolutely Live !

Rediffusions sur RADIO PANIK !


Aprés la délicieuse proposition de Bérangère Maximin, quant à rediffuser 7 lives sur Radio St Ferréol dans sa propre émission "Territoires du son", c'est au tour de Radio Panik de s'intéresser de près à "A Maïzing Session With..." !

Un énorme merci à Pierre de Jaeger, qui propose de rediffuser les dernières sessions, enregistrées en multi-pistes, dans l'émission dédiée à la Création Radiophonique, le vendredi de 12h à 13h, sur  
RADIO PANIK 105.4 FM en région bruxelloise et en stream!


AMSW#42, rediffusion le vendredi 9 novembre 2012, 12h à 13h

Performed at the Maïzing Studio, Paris and broadcasted live on KKWNE,
on June 18th, 2012. Multitrack recordings mixed by Anton Mobin.

HANNES LINGENS : Floor Drum, Objects
ANTON MOBIN : Zither, Objects

AMSW#43, rediffusion le vendredi 16 novembre 2012, 12h à 13h
Performed at the Maïzing Studio, Paris and broadcasted live on KKWNE,
on June 20th, 2012.  Multitrack recordings mixed by Anton Mobin.

TÜNEL : Cisco C. & Monobloc Sound Fidelity : Cello, Guitar, Electronics
ANTON MOBIN : Prepared Chamber, Axolotl

AMSW#44, rediffusion le vendredi 23 novembre 2012, 12h à 13h

Performed at the Maïzing Studio, Paris and broadcasted live on KKWNE,
on June 27th, 2012.  Multitrack recordings mixed by Anton Mobin.

ANTON MOBIN : Prepared Chamber, Electronics

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